
Control volume by voice


Say "Mute" "Medium" "Max" "Lower" "Louder" To set the volume on your device—hands free.

  • "Mute" sets volume to zero and pauses music
  • "Medium" sets volume to 50%
  • "Max" sets volume to 100%
  • "Lower" decreases volume by .2 (max=1 min=0)
  • "Louder" increases volume by .2 (max=1 min=0)

This shortcut now includes Embed-a-Update, so it requires no external shortcuts or resources like UpdateKit. Embed-a-Update is also very fast. Enjoy.

If this Shortcut doesn’t work as expected, you have suggestions, or an idea to improve it, let me know.

Latest Release Notes

2.1.0 - Jan. 24, 2020, 7:02 a.m.

This shortcut now includes Embed-a-Update, so it requires no external shortcuts or resources like UpdateKit. Embed-a-Update is also very fast.

Past versions