Markdown Basics

Beginners Guide to Markdown


Markdown Guide

Beginners guide to Markdown

Reference, Markdown is a simpler version of HTML.
Another way to look at its is HTML is a publishing format; Markdown is a writing format.

This Shortcut is designed to teach what Markdown is and how to use it on RoutineHub. Markdown can do amazing things like Bold, Italicize, Both, increase Font


Add images,

Markdown Preview

This actually is the Markdown code I used to make the above display:

# Markdown Guide
### Beginners guide to Markdown
Reference, Markdown is a simpler version of HTML.                         
Another way to look at its is HTML is a publishing format; Markdown is 
a writing format.

This Shortcut is designed to teach what Markdown is and how to use it 
on RoutineHub. Markdown can do amazing things like **Bold**,  
_Italicize_, ***Both***, increase Font 
#### Size
Add images,

![Markdown Preview](

and more... Thanks for checking out my Shortcut and I hope that it helps.

Credits to Markdown to Strapdown for the beautiful end display in the Shortcut.

iOS 12 Black

MediaKit Credits

Author AShortcuts

Latest Release Notes

1.9 - Oct. 8, 2019, 3:07 a.m.

Version 1.9 Release Notes
- iOS 13 Support

Past versions