The Watchlist

Track Movies and TV Shows you plan on watching.


The Watchlist is the only Shortcut you need to keep a collection of the Movies & TV Shows you plan on watching.

Graphics by MediaKit



28-7-2019: Due to the changes made by Apple in the latest version of their operating system, any Shortcut created using iOS 13 (and iPadOS) will no longer be compatible with earlier versions such as iOS 12.



Easily search for your favourite Movies and TV Shows.

Screenshots 1


Add all the Movies and TV Shows you plan on watching to your Watchlist.

Screenshots 2

vCard Menus

All menus utilise the vCard function to display your search results beautifully.

Screenshots 3


If you experience any issues or require assistance with this shortcut, please contact me via Reddit and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


Powered by Trakt & TheMovieDB

Latest Release Notes

2.0 - March 4, 2020, 11:44 p.m.

- Official support for iOS 13.
- Huge rewrite to prepare for further updates while reducing the total number of actions by almost half.
- Ability to see episode and season images if they're available (you will have an option to disable this in a future update).
- All menus have been updated to include icons.
- General bug fixes and under the hood improvements.

Past versions