Shortcut Challenges

This shortcut has a set of shortcut challenges to test your shortcuts knowledge.


Shortcut Challenges


Challenge Add 1+1 (screenshot)
Solution (screenshot)

How It Works

Pick a challenge from the list of challenges. Press View Details to get information about the challenge, then choose Get Initial Code to get a blank shortcut, ready to put actions in.

Code your solution.

Test your solution by running Shortcut Challenges and choosing Run Tests. Failed tests are shown in red, passed tests are shown in green. Once all tests pass, you have beaten the challenge.

Shortcut Golf Rules

Your goal is to beat the challenge in as few actions as possible. There are some limitations on what actions you can use to make sure you actually code a solution.

  • Do not use actions that leave the shortcuts app, get user input, load online resources, or are 3rd party.
  • Your solution should work with any valid input, even if it isn't a test case. Do not just hardcode input/output pairs.

More Info

View Details: See information about the challenge including the goal of the challenge and how to beat it. Select Get Initial Code to get a blank shortcut ready to start the challenge in, or press cancel to exit.
View Tests: View a specific test case.
Run Tests: Run your shortcut against the test case to see if it passes. Failures will be shown in a dialog with more information. Successes are shown in a notification with more information if you tap them.
Back To Menu Go back to the challenge list.

Custom Challenges

Custom challenges are not yet supported.

Submit challenges here to add them to the main list: or send them to me on routinehub/reddit/discord.

This shortcut supports Check For Updates

Run Check For Updates at any time to check for updates to this and other shortcuts.

Latest Release Notes

0.3.1 - Feb. 20, 2019, 4:26 p.m.

New in version 0.3.1:
= Fix a bug where long test output was unreadable

Past versions