⚠️ [See Description] Check For Updates

Keep your shortcuts up to date


warning Check for Updates is no longer being maintained and does not work on iOS 13. I still have ideas for what to add in an update, but haven't been making shortcuts recently.

You can use one of these alternative updaters in your shortcuts instead:

Original description:


Check For Updates

Keep your shortcuts up to date.


For Users

Run the Check For Updates shortcut to get the latest updates on all supported shortcuts. Choose a shortcut to update and update it.

For Developers

Check For Updates is easy to integrate into shortcuts

Add to your shortcut

Supporting Check For Updates requires just 3 actions:


Make sure overwrite file if exists is on.

Example Shortcut

Version Numbers

Check for updates supports multi-decimal version numbers. Your version numbers on RoutineHub must match the version in your dictionary. Version numbers are numbers such as 1.5.2 or 2.1 or .6, any value with multiple numbers and decimals.


  • UpdateHub by @tdevx - UpdateHub can be integrated into your shortcut with just one comment action. Checking shortcuts for updates becomes slower the more shortcuts you have.
  • UpdateKit by @MikeBeas - UpdateKit is run at the top or bottom of your shortcut to make sure it stays up to date when run. This is helpful if you are giving your shortcut to people new to shortcuts because they do not have to run something else. This will slow down your shortcut and make it so your shortcut can't be used in Siri or the notification widget.


Plain Text

This shortcut supports Check For Updates

Run Check For Updates at any time to check for updates to this and other shortcuts.

### This shortcut supports [Check For Updates](https://routinehub.co/shortcut/793)
Run Check For Updates at any time to check for updates to this and other shortcuts.

Action-style Banner

This Shortcut Supports Check For Updates

[![This Shortcut Supports Check For Updates](https://i.imgur.com/fHsBvXr.png)](https://routinehub.co/shortcut/793 "Get Check For Updates")

MediaKit Banner

This Shortcut Supports Check For Updates

[![This Shortcut Supports Check For Updates](https://i.imgur.com/njgbDNI.png)](https://routinehub.co/shortcut/793 "Get Check For Updates")

Latest Release Notes

2.1 - April 28, 2019, 9:47 p.m.

New in version 2.1:
+ Add back the Add Unsupported Shortcut option

Past versions