
Smart Home Codes

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3.3 8 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Deleted "Shortcuts Update Check" support
- "Embed-a-Update" support added


3.2 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
- Missing language support alert for "Shortcuts Update Check" only shown, if update available.
- Update routine optimization


3.1 1 year, 4 months ago
iOS 12
- Improved update routine for renamed shortcuts. Also affected by this change are discontinued shortcuts.
- Minor bug fix: Wrong shortcut name in language text in text module "AlertContentUpdateNoLanguageSupport"


3.0 1 year, 4 months ago
iOS 12
- Smart Home Codes" 3.0 introduces backup management for your Smart Home Codes. In the course of this a clearer directory structure was added. Now all necessary files are located in the directory ../Shortcuts/Smart Home Codes/.
The main file will be automatically moved to the new directory ../Shortcuts/Smart Home Codes/ after your approval.
It is recommended to delete the old directory ../Shortcuts/Backup/Smart Home Codes/ manually from a point in time defined by you.
- The new feature "Smart Home Overview" allows you to get and print an overview of e.g. all your currently saved Smart Home Codes. It will also be displayed after all "Insert", "Move", "Rename" and "Delete" actions.
- Due to the newly introduced backup management automatic backups and deletion of these after 6 months was removed.
- "Move" menu entry is not shown if one room only.
- Minor language changes


2.0.1 1 year, 5 months ago
iOS 12
- No backup will be created when in move process no devices are moved due to duplicate device names.
- Minor bug fix: Duplicate German language text in text module "AlertContentMoveDeviceNameExists5" deleted.


2.0 1 year, 5 months ago
iOS 12
- New Move feature
- New Insert feature: Select existing room or add new one when inserting a new code.
- New Insert check routine when using an existing room or device name.
- Bug fix: In cases you do not fill the mandatory fields within the insert routine, an alert message notifies you and the shortcut is restarted. The implementation led to a loop, depending on how many alerts you received. This behavior was fixed.
- Bug fix: In cases where you rename rooms or devices with spaces at the beginning or the end of the name, or you rename from upper case to lower case (and vice versa) the routine did not handle it correctly. This behavior was fixed. Any valid renaming situation should be possible now. ;)
- Bug fix: In some cases rooms were not deleted correctly and this led to a non functioning dictionary.
- Added actions for "Shortcuts Update Check" routine to check, if update link works.


1.0.1 1 year, 5 months ago
iOS 12
- Fixed: Updates do not work due to a Dropbox "Shortcuts Update Check" link exchange because of an issue with Dropbox - apologies.


1.0 1 year, 5 months ago
iOS 12
- Initial publication