Smart Home Codes

Use this shortcut to manage your Smart Home HomeKit and Registration Codes.


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Configure shortcut

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Shortcut workflow - First steps: Insert Smart Home Code

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Shortcut workflow - Retrieve Smart Home Code

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Shortcut workflow - Rename Smart Home Room or Device

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Shortcut workflow - Move Smart Home Devices

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Shortcut workflow - Delete Smart Home Rooms or Devices

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Shortcut workflow - Smart Home Overview

(also part of „Insert“, „Rename“, „Move“ and „Delete“ routine)

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Shortcut workflow - Backup

Create Backup

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Backup Smart Home Overview

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Restore Backup

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Delete Backup

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Credits Graphics made with MediaKit.

Latest Release Notes

3.3 - Nov. 15, 2019, 6:22 p.m.

- Deleted "Shortcuts Update Check" support
- "Embed-a-Update" support added

Past versions