Start Meeting

Automate your meetings. Notes in Bear, tasks in Things or Reminders.


Start Meeting is a shortcut to automate your meeting workflow.

Simply start the shortcut when you're beginning your meeting. Do not disturb will be turned on, your volume will be muted and a notes template will be created in Bear.

Enter your meeting notes and any actionable tasks. Place any due dates in square brackets at the end of the line.


  • Call Rachel [tomorrow]

  • Chase invoice [tuesday]

  • Call Brian [15/05]

Return to Shortcuts when the meeting is finished, do not disturb will be turned off, your volume returned to normal and you can then choose for your actionable tasks to be entered into Things or Reminders.

Each task will contain details of the meeting and a link back to the meeting note in Bear. Each actionable task in the Bear note will contain a link to the task in Things or Reminders.

If the Shortcut times out while you're writing your note in Bear, simply share the note using the share sheet to the "Start Meeting" shortcut and your tasks will be processed.

alt text Create a meeting template in Bear

alt text Any actionable tasks are saved to Things with a link back to the Bear note. The task in Bear has a link added to the Things task.

You can watch the workflow in action here.


  • If you have a project in Things (or a list in Reminders) with exactly the same name as the project you select in Start Meeting, then the tasks will be added to that project.
  • If the project in Things has a heading "Meeting Notes" then the tasks will be added under that.
  • If there is no project with the Same name in Things, tasks without a due date will go into the inbox, tasks with a due date will be in upcoming

Graphics made with MediaKit & Prolost

Latest Release Notes

1.2 - April 3, 2019, 7:38 a.m.

* Fixed project selection list
* You can now choose event title from calendar events

Past versions