Media Mutt

Download Photos and Videos from Anywhere


Media Mutt

Download Photos and Videos from Anywhere

Media Mutt is you all-in-one downloader for media pages on the web. It supports the most popular photo and video sharing sites and can support more with the help of addons.

The best feature? It doesn't use third-party websites to download. Everything is done within the shortcut (1).

1 Fine Print: Techinically, it does use a third-party website to combine audio and video for websites that stream them separately (Reddit, looking at you). Everything else happens within the shortcut.

IOS 12

For those who are still in iOS12, get it here.

Supported Media Pages

Youtube videos • Instagram Posts • Reddit Posts Tumblr Posts • Imgur • Gfycat • Streamable


Creating Addons

If you are interested in authoring addons, check out the authoring guide.


Main Menu, Settings, Addons Translations


  • I wouldn't have been able to build this complex shortcut without ScPL.
  • Icons from: courtesy of @atnbueno over at Discord
  • YouTube Downloading method -
  • Audio/Video merging:


  • Protected Youtube videos such as music videos
  • Private Instagram Profiles
Created By @supermamon Assembled With ScPL

Latest Release Notes

2.1.2 - Oct. 18, 2019, 2:44 a.m.

(fix) 404 error when downloading Reddit videos with audio

Past versions