
Machine learning library for shortcuts.


Machine learning for Siri.

Part of the Intelligent Tools Collection


  • Image Classifier
  • Multi-Layer Perceptron
  • Hopfield Network


  • Discreet Sequence Recall
  • Genetic Algorithm
  • KNN
  • etc

Image Classifier

No training required but does require a manual tap interaction step to use.

Example Use

Download What am I looking at?


Classification is done by passing a dictionary containing a base64 encoded PNG Image.

  "Architecture": "Image Classifier",
  "Image": "iVBORw0K..."

Multi-Layer Perceptron

Example Library Usage App


Training the Perceptron is done by passing a dictionary describing the inputs, hidden layer, and outputs.

Training data is a \n separated list of the form [inputs,...]=>[output]

  "Name": "XOR",
  "Architecture": "Perceptron",
  "Inputs": 2,
  "Hidden": [2],
  "Outputs": 1,
  "Training Data": "[0,1]=>[1]\n[1,0]=>[1]\n[1,1]=>[0]\n[0,0]=>[0]",
  "Error": 0.0001,
  "Iterations": 50000


Inference is done by passing a dictionary with Inputs provided as [inputs,...]


Hopfield Network


Training the Hopfield network is done by passing a dictionary describing the inputs binary sequences and bit-length of the network.

  "Name":"10-Bit Example",
  "Bit Length":10,
  "Training Data":[
    "[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]",
    "[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]"


Feeding the hopfield is done by passing a dictionary with Inputs provided as [input,...]

  "Name":"10-Bit Example",

Dependency Badge

This shortcut depends on ShortcutML

[![This shortcut depends on ShortcutML](](


Perceptron & Hopfield Based on Synaptic

Image Classifier Based on ml5.js

This shortcut was compiled with Trail Blazer! This shortcut was built with Run Javascript
Supports This shortcut supports Swing Updater!

Latest Release Notes

1.0.11 - July 27, 2019, 9:01 a.m.

Adding image Classifier to library.

Past versions