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3.0 10 months ago
iOS 13
I've made SO.MANY.CHANGES. WallAgenda has totally been revamped.

Find a user guide, FAQs, and acknowledgements here: []( If you have questions please consult the user guide. If you still can't figure it out then reach out to me (preferably via Reddit). Note that I changed my Reddit handle to /u/bretteiznem. Here's the link to message me: []( Please note, if you encounter data that doesn't render properly, that's because of a known issue in Shortcuts with iOS 13.2 Beta. Sometimes force-closing Shortcuts, restarting your phone, and re-running WallAgenda will rectify the issue.

\* ☑️ Overhauled settings dictionary

\* ☑️ Created Shortcuts/WallAgenda folder in iCloud (Files) for saving configurations, settings, and background image

\* ☑️ Split today & tomorrow items out their own sections

\* ☑️ Added Reminders section

\* ☑️ Created ability to only include certain sections of WallAgenda (lite version if you will)

\* ☑️ Fixed date highlight and end of month/beginning of month issues with calculations

\* ☑️ Made data alignment more seamless without need for tweaking vertical offset

\* ☑️ Added all-day event handling

\* ☑️ Create duser guide and FAQs

\* ☑️ Added handling for backing up settings and adjustments before updating to a newer version (only for 3.0 and beyond)

\* ☑️ Added handling for checking for and utilizing backed-up settings and adjustments file when running a version of WallAgenda beyond 3.0

\* ☑️ Added configuration to set device type so WallAgenda can automatically set the correct UI Scale Factor

\* ☑️ Added ability to auto-crop background image to phone dimensions

\* ☑️ Added ability to select background from URL in settings, Photos, iCloud (Files), or clipboard URL and save the selection for future runs of WallAgenda

\* ☑️ Prevented the numerical argument errors some were getting by not setting a required minimum # of events and iterating the fetching of data on repeat instead of by numbered variables

\* ☑️ Added some missing weather condition icons


Quick video demonstration of first run: [](


![Lock Screen](

![Home Screen](


2.3 11 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
* ☑️ Added two new settings: (1) Data Area Factor; and (2) Data Font Size. The default for Data Area Factor is .375 and was previously hardcoded. Made this a setting so you can customize how much area you want to take up. Essentially that’s 37.5% of your screen from the bottom going up. The Data Font Size was added because I had previously hardcoded xx-small as the font size and did not give an easy way to alter that. Now you can change it to other sizes. See the comments directly above the settings to determine the options for sizes. Note that you will need to change other settings to get the info to fit just right if you’re altering the text size (like the Title Character Limit or Vertical Offset).


2.2 11 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
* ☑️ Added release notes to the AppInfo dictionary/variable along with a Boolean in the settings dictionary/variable to chose to display the release notes when you run the shortcut.

* ☑️ Removed “Color: Linear Calendar Weekend Highlight” from main settings and put it a few levels down in a Colors dictionary of the Linear Calendar dictionary of the Settings.

* ☑️ Added several more settings tweaks to allow greater customization in font colors and sizes, including the ability to alternate text color for calendar events. Also the ability to preview the final image before saving.

* ☑️ Added variables for the calculation of the screen height and width multiplied by the native scale factor.

* ☑️ Added two new variables from a calculation of the number of days in the current month to fix the white space issue on the far right side of the linear calendar.

* ☑️ Shortened weather date format because of space limitations. Can't figure out how to use the settings dictionary for that date format so it has to be set within the text block.

* ☑️ Fixed the text block for non-weather HTML.

* ☑️ Tidied up some descriptions (renamed some actions) to make it more clear what’s going on in this shortcut.


2.1 11 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
• RELEASE NOTES: 2.1 - Removed UpdateKit from running as it appears to not be working right. Also fixed BlankWhite image reference. Also added setting to adjust native scale factor (iPhone X, Xs, and Xs Max should be a factor of 3.0. XR should be 2.0).

2.0 - Added custom weather icons, limited the number of characters for calendar event titles (can be adjusted in the settings dictionary), and added a linear calendar at the bottom so you can see the month at a glance (Sometimes it's nice to know where a weekend falls the current month). Also added routinehub ID and UpdateKit

• FUTURE VERSIONS: I plan to programmatically obtain device screen sizes and associated information from Apple's website ( and use that to calculate the native scale factor. I will add wallpaper option when Apple gives us back that option.

• ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thank you to /u/nilayperk for a HUGE assist with the linear calendar. To /u/TimAtamlibtoim for the structure and sparking the idea with his Forecast Wallpaper. To /u/enteeMcr for helping my brain fart with HTML image insertion with base64 encoding. To /u/Kberg31974 and /u/Pr0loser for help in limiting characters for some of my variables.


2.0 11 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
• WallAgenda is creation by /u/richardgspot
• Created on August 7, 2019
• Last updated on August 16, 2019
• Screenshot of latest version:
• Video demonstration of lates version:

• RELEASE NOTES: Added custom weather icons,  limited the number of characters for calendar event titles (can be adjusted in the settings dictionary), and added a linear calendar at the bottom so you can see the month at a glance (Sometimes it's nice to know where a weekend falls the current month). Also added routinehub ID and UpdateKit  

• FUTURE VERSIONS: I plan to programmatically obtain device screen sizes and associated information from Apple's website ( and use that to calculate the native scale factor. I will add wallpaper option when Apple gives us back that option.

• ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thank you to /u/nilayperk for a HUGE assist with the linear calendar. To /u/TimAtamlibtoim for the structure and sparking the idea with his Forecast Wallpaper. To /u/enteeMcr for helping my brain fart with HTML image insertion with base64 encoding. To /u/Kberg31974 and /u/Pr0loser for help in limiting characters for some of my variables.


1.0.1 1 year ago
iOS 13