
I'm Up

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3.7 1 month, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 3.7 Release Notes
- Allowed for you to skip segments. You will be asked if you want to hear or do something and you have the option to skip it!

- Total Actions: #263
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-06-12


3.6 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 3.6 Release Notes
- with the release of audioOS 13.4.5, I have reintroduced the Next Day feature.

- Total Actions: #191
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-21


3.5 2 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 3.5 Release Notes
- This is a minor update. The Next Day feature has been disabled due to an issue with HomePod. If the calendar has no all day events for the following day, the HomePod stops the shortcut. This can be changed by going to the I’m up section, and either deleting the If statement, or changing the text box above it to Yes.

- Total Actions: #191
- Created on iOS 13.4.1
- Released at 2020-05-14


3.4 3 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 3.4 Release Notes
- we have cleaned up the questions a bit. We no longer use menu actions, but ask for input. They listen for key words then use those to perform the next action.

Yes, no, geofence, and time are the keyword. You can mix it up with a “Yes Please!” Or a “Nothing for now”. It should make this a bit lore natural to use.

- Total Actions: #188
- Created on iOS 13.4.1
- Released at 2020-04-20


3.3 4 months ago
iOS 13
Version 3.3 Release Notes
- this update fixes the greeting system.

- Total Actions: #187
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-04-06


3.2 4 months ago
iOS 13
Version 3.2 Release Notes
- This version is a small update that includes a more natural greeting process. It will change the greeting based on the time of day! So hopefully, all you might workers can continue to enjoy this without the dissonance for a Good Morning at 7 PM.

- I have also changed some of the wording to make it sound a bit more natural!

- Total Actions: #192
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-04-04


3.1 4 months ago
iOS 13
Version 3.1 Release Notes
- heh... 69. NICE
- I have fixed up some of the verbiage to make it HOPEFULLY sound more natural. I have also incorporated simultaneous news and music playback!

What’s next on the list? Why, podcast news! This will take some time and be the next big feature!

- Total Actions: #169
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-04-03


3.0.5 4 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Version 3.0.5 Release Notes
- heh... 69. NICE

- Total Actions: #169
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-03-30


3.0.4 4 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Version 3.0.4 Release Notes
This version comes with a few key changes.

Credit to u/mvan231 for his help on many aspects and testing!

Now you can get both your music, and the news. The Music action starts right before you are asked if you want a news readout.

I’ve added some extra verbiage to hopefully make things more natural.

The date at the beginning has been changed so that Siri will read it out properly. No more abbreviated nonsense!

Thanks for the download! We have hit over 3K downloads!

- Total Actions: #168
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-03-30


3.0.3 4 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 3.0.3 Release Notes
- oops, forgot a version number ;)

- Total Actions: #165
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-03-26


3.0.2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 3.0.2 Release Notes
- fixed the RSS Import action

- Total Actions: #165
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-03-26


3.0.1 4 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 3.0.1 Release Notes
- We have changed the configuration process. on top of a few import questions, you will now be asked on first run what features you want to enable! this saves you from having to configure a dictionary in an import question. configurations are stored in your iCloud drive.

- this shortcut is making improvements to be more Deaf and Blind accessible! This shortcut can be ran audibly via Siri and HomePod. It can also be ran silently (so text based) via shortcuts. we now use Show Result actions (which Siri and HomePod speak)

- we have added a big feature, the Next Day feature! This looks at tomorrow’s calendar for All Day events. It will then ask if you want a reminder (time alarm or geofenced) creates for that event. A use case? Say you add Garbage Day to your calendar on Wednesday (the day it’s taken out) as an all day event. This will then find that event, tell you about it and allow you to remind yourself.

- I have also fixed the Birthdays integration. If there is one, you will hear about it!

- reminders integration has been fixed! YAY!

- we have changed the updater! No longer will this be a menu item at the end. It is ran at the beginning and will direct you to install the update.

- Total Actions: #165
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-03-26


3.0 4 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 3.0 Release Notes
- this shortcut is making improvements to be more Deaf and Blind accessible! This shortcut can be ran audibly via Siri and HomePod. It can also be ran silently via shortcuts.

- we have added a big feature, the Next Day feature! This looks at tomorrow’s calendar for All Day events. It will then ask if you want a reminder (time alarm or geofenced) creates for that event. A use case? Say you add Garbage Day to your calendar on Wednesday (the day it’s taken out) as an all day event. This will then find that event, tell you about it and allow you to remind yourself.

- we have changed the updater! No longer will this be a menu item at the end. It is ran at the beginning and will direct you to install the update. If there is one!

- Total Actions: #165
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-03-26


2.5 4 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Version 2.5 Release Notes
- testing something

- Total Actions: #171
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-03-26


2.4.1 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Fixed a few things :)


2.4.1 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Fixed a few things :)


2.4 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Fixed a TCL error from a nested if statement.

Introduced an auto updater! This happens at the end of the shortcut :) we use Lightning Update. Make sure you have it installed before running!


2.3.1 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Fixed a temperature issue


2.3 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Fixed a delay issue


2.1.1 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Fixed an import question issue.


2.1 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
1. We added weather forecasting! Enjoy the Highs and lows for your day and hear about possible rain!

2. Birthdays! We added a small bit that tells you who has birthdays today according to your calendar :)

3. We have added the option to hear the temperature of your home. This will require some additional configuration, but you can in fact do this much easier. This is a hold over from my own personal version :)


2.0 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
We have fixed a number of issues.

We made an improvement to the calendar system where it will tell you all the events rather than the ones with locations. This way, you get a full briefing. This should hopefully improve the experience.

We also improved the Starbucks experience. With HomePod, it should direct your
You to your iPhone to complete the order without failing.

HomeKit support is here! You have the option to run a HomeKit scene if you should choose. This is nice for people with variable life schedules

And that’s it! This should work out well for those interested.


1.4 7 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
Re-added Starbucks support!


1.3 8 months ago
iOS 13
Removed starbucks support until they get it fixed for HomePod!


1.2 8 months ago
iOS 13
We have now added support to change a HomeKit scene and order you Coffee from Starbucks!


1.1 8 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
fixed an issue when multiple calendar events had locations, it would ask you which event you wanted. it now pulls up the FIRST event on the calendar today.


1.0 8 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Initial Release! Due to the way HomePod and Siri work, you will want to check back and make sure there arent new updates.