Gundam Battle

This is designed to search and display stats on the Gundams and items in the iOS game


I am not listing toolbox pro as a requirement for the shortcut. However if you have the paid version you can use the search feature to narrow your results before you see the choose menu and greatly reduce the time it takes.

If I can find a way to do the same without the app I will but for now this is how it is.

The shortcut will do three things as of now (but plans for future options are already being worked on).

• Filter will show you the Shot & Melee Attack of the units and it end as well as the armor values. These are preconfigured and slow but you can change them or add your own if you wish. I plan to make it modular in the near future.

• Search will ask for a word to search against and show you only what matches. It's by far the fastest option but requires Tool Box Pro. For now this is the only way I know to accomplish this but I am working on it. However the app is well worth the money.

• Full List shows you ALL the items in the database. It can be slow and sometimes it's oddly super fast. If you want to search without tool box this is your option. Run it then search in the search field up top.

Once you have selected your choice it will show you the stats.

Future plans...

• Multi part select to create a grid of images. • Modular menu driven filtering options • Better look and in game images


Latest Release Notes

1.2.0 - March 18, 2020, 12:56 a.m.

- Added icons to the menu... for kicks
- Updated dictionary content
- Added a fun animation... for kicks

Past versions