
Gundam Battle

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1.2.0 4 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Added icons to the menu... for kicks
- Updated dictionary content
- Added a fun animation... for kicks


1.1.7 6 months ago
iOS 13
• Removed the Toolbox Pro usage. You can now search before pulling up the whole list.

• Updated JSON data. Be warned if you want to look at the file simply select all then copy if you try to do anything other than scroll it will crash the shortcut. The file will also likely crash whatever you want to view or pate it in (but not always). Its a big file.


1.1.1 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Added in two web links that were left out of the last update.


1.1 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
The filters now pass along their data to the end display like they should.

Data was restructured for faster response.

Laying the ground work for some big feature changes to come so stay tuned. Specifically a Parts and Wishlist inventory system to catalog your own collection and wants. As well as the ability to add and remove items from it when needed. Also customer searching will be added for non tool box pro users and there will be a section added for web links to game press and other sites.


1.0 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Initial Post