Clean Apple News Links

Gets original source URLs from Apple News



When you share a link from Apple News, it gives you a link that tries to open the article in Apple News. When sharing outside the Apple ecosystem, like on Facebook, that is obnoxious.

This shortcuts gets the real link to the original source and let’s you:

  • copy to clipboard
  • post to Facebook
  • Tweet
  • Save to Diigo bookmark service

Shortcut running

Why this shortcut?

Of course it is possible to open an Apple News link without Apple News. However, there is an interstitial step and the URL is just ugly.

The recipient can't tell where the URL goes to. For example, goes to But how would you know that? There are times I just prefer to share the real URL without disclosing to Apple any information.

This shortcut includes Embed-a-Update, so it requires no external shortcuts or resources like UpdateKit. Embed-a-Update is also very fast. Enjoy.

If this Shortcut doesn’t work as expected, you have suggestions, or an idea to improve it, let me know!

See also:

Latest Release Notes

1.2.0 - June 16, 2020, 7:13 a.m.

* Made checks for Diigo
* Implemented beautiful menus with [Menubuilder](
* Looks for URLs in Shortcut input. If none is found, look in clipboard. If none is found, Sorry, Charlie.

Past versions