Date Calculator (iOS 13)

Add/subtract Number of Days, number of Days calculator and Working Days calculator


Date Calculator

Download iOS 12 version (2.1) from Here

"Supports Conversational Shortcuts feature in iOS 13.1 or above"

This shortcut Has three functions/features:

❶ Calculate the number of days between two dates.

❷ Add/subtract number of days to date, which then output the new date.

❸ Calculate the number of “Working Days” between two dates. With the ability to choose your own weekend days.

Developed By:

Twitter: @i_7amza & with the help of Reddit: Mimiru_

Menu Builder


Latest Release Notes

3.6 - April 4, 2020, 8:41 p.m.

Added support for “Embed-a-Update” (optional)

Past versions