Corona Stats By State (USA) iOS 12

See COVID19 Stats Per USA State


CoronaSBS ios12
Welcome to Corona Stats By State!
(Now for iOS 12)


This shortcut is powered by data from WorldOMeters.

Instructions for use: Run the shortcut Select the state(s) you are interested in * See the result (its that easy!)

Shoutout to u/Crunchewy from Reddit for the inspiration for this.

Below are examples of what the shortcut looks like.


More updates will come in the future for various fixes (if needed), so stay tuned with the built in updater based on LightningUpdate (Kindredcashew).

Thanks to ROPcuts for images.

If you’re looking for the iOS 13 version, you can find it here.

Latest Release Notes

1.00 - March 21, 2020, 1:22 a.m.

Initial Release for iOS 12

Past versions