Tardy notifier

Make phone and email notifications a breeze when you're running late for work


So, chances are you work in a job where if you're running late there's a phone number to call, or an email address to message, when you're running late.

This shortcut is the start of something to make that easy.

What it currently does

It allows you to specify contacts from your phone to:

  • Decide the type of notification actions you want to take (place a call, send an email);

  • Call to notify someone if you're running late;

  • Email one or more people to let them know you're running late; and

  • Uses UpdateKit and RoutinePub to ensure you have the latest version of this Shortcut after each execution.

When you run the shortcut, you can choose if you want to call, and email. It provides a simple yes/no list option to choose if you want that function to run or not.

And if you choose to send an email, it'll construct and send the whole email for you - even prompting you for details to include in the message.

Before importing this shortcut (Prerequsites)

  1. Contact cards: Please make sure that you have one (or more) contact card(s) on your device for the people you call, and email, to notify of a tardy.
  2. Email setup: If intending to send email messages, make sure your device has an email account already configured.
  3. Have the UpdateKit shortcut installed on your device.

Things to do (wish list)

This shortcut is still a work in progress, and i'm hoping to expand it further to offer (in my current order of preference):

  • Assist the user to create one or more address book contacts if they don't already have them setup for their phone or email (In Progress);

  • Better constructions of IF statements (Close to done; but still need a way to loop back or repeat a step if needed - i.e. you want to try calling again after the second step, or want to send the email instead then attempt the call again at a later stage);

  • Store and edit persistent preferences in the app, i.e changing who calls and emails are to, which email address you want to send email messages from, etc;

  • Ability to send a message by Message and/or SMS;

  • Send email messages To multiple people (Technically supported, but still satisfying myself it works);

  • Select one or more contacts to CC (or even BCC) a message to;

  • Allow the user to store a sequence of DTMF tones, for people with employers who take tardy reporting by phone using an IVR service;

  • Test device for existing email account configuration, and deep-linking to settings if the user doesn't have one and wants to set one up for sending messages;

  • Reduce the number of inputs needed for selecting the desired contact types - i.e. instead of asking seperately if you want to call, then if you want to email, rolling these into a single input option;

  • Make list of reasons for being late user editable and order adjustable;

  • Provide a way of the user changing how their email is constructed - from subject line content, the message body, and variables you want included in the message subject/body, and where to use them;

  • Ability to use a different email template and options to when you actually can't come into work;

  • Handsfree - be able to run the shortcut with just your voice (great if you're dealing with an ill child, or one who's running late getting ready for school);

  • Keep track of your tardies, in a CSV file or other resource, for your own review and reporting if and when you may need it.

  • Ability to send a message by addtional means (i.e. Microsoft Teams, Workplace by Facebook, smoke signals, IPoAC IPv6, singing telegram, etc);

Things it won't do

  • Read your mind

  • Make a call using a computer-generated voice to provide information to your employer when they answer your call (because i'm sure they'd rather speak to the real you, unless they have an automated service for tardy reporting)

Like to improve it, or tweak it yourself?

This shortcut is commented within an inch of its life, so should you want to work on your own version, or help me make improvements - please feel welcome to go right ahead and do so.

Like to say thanks?

If you'd like to buy me a hot chocolate as a token of your appreciation, feel free to do so:

Latest Release Notes

0.02a - June 16, 2020, 1:54 p.m.

Corrected missing information for UpdateKit integration and updating.

Past versions