
Publish your Shortcuts to RoutineHub directly from your iOS device.


Introducing RoutinePub

Publish your iOS shortcuts to RoutineHub directly from the Shortcuts app using RoutinePub, and distribute future updates through UpdateKit.

RoutinePub was created in conjunction with RoutineHub and is an officially supported method of submitting your shortcuts.

How It Works

RoutinePub allows you to publish new versions of your RoutineHub shortcuts without leaving the Shortcuts app on your iOS device. First, you'll need to create a new Shortcut on the RoutinePub website and set it to Published. Don't worry about adding a version right now — we'll do that in a second. For now, just click "Continue in RoutinePub" to see your shortcut's ID.

Now all you need is the API Key listed on your RoutineHub account settings page and you're ready to go!

Once you've installed RoutinePub, you'll be prompted to add your API Key to the shortcut. If Shortcuts crashes before asking this question (it happens!) just edit the RoutinePub shortcut, tap the Settings button (two switches in the upper-right corner, just under Done) and tap "Customize Shortcut…" to enter your key.

After entering your API Key, you're all setup!

When you're ready to publish a new version of your shortcut, open it in the editor inside the Shortcuts app and hit the Share button. Select Shortcuts » RoutinePub from the share menu and you're off!

RoutinePub will fetch a list of shortcuts on your RoutineHub user account and present you with the list. Select the one you want to update, follow the prompts to enter a new version number and some notes about what's new. That's it! You're done!

Your new shortcut will now be available from the RoutineHub website.

Delivering Updates to Users

If you want users of your shortcut to be able to get the latest version automatically, you can integrate UpdateKit into your shortcut. UpdateKit is an easy way to deliver shortcut updates to your users.

You can find out more by visting the UpdateKit website and browsing the documentation. Starting with UpdateKit 2.0, you can even skip some of the UpdateKit setup by simply providing your shortcut's ID number on RoutineHub. Check out the RoutineHub Integration section of the documentation for more information.

Latest Release Notes

5.0 - Dec. 24, 2019, 7:23 p.m.

RoutinePub 5.0 is a complete overhaul focused on speed and simplicity

RoutinePub has been rewritten from scratch. This takes it from 535 actions to 245.

Most of the functionality you know is still there, but there are some important changes.

Publishing shortcut updates is now done entirely via the main menu. To publish an update, run RoutinePub and select “Publish Update” from main menu. Select a shortcut from your library to continue.

This removes the ability to use the share sheet from a shortcut to upload it to RoutinePub. This is for several reasons.

1. The share sheet method requires RoutinePub to “show” while running. Showing shortcuts in the editor is very expensive from a performance perspective. It can lead complex shortcuts to crash. The previous version of RoutinePub integrated the functionality of the AirBag shortcut to protect against this. With RoutinePub 5.0, even that is no longer necessary as the shortcut never runs via the editor.

2. The new method enables you to publish multiple shortcuts at once. Unlike the old method, you may now select multiple shortcuts from the main menu and they will each be released one after the other. You will be able to specify version numbers and release notes for each one separately.

3. This new method allows RoutinePub to get the name of the shortcut you are uploading without having to download that data from the iCloud API. Previously when submitting only the URL, RoutinePub had to get the name of the shortcut from iCloud to handle the “Associations” functionality. Now it can read the name of the shortcut you select from the list directly, which speeds up the process and requires no new network calls.

In order to support multiple updates at once, the option to open a share sheet after publishing an update has been removed. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Updating RoutinePub is now handled via the main menu rather than when it runs. In the event that server-side changes necessitate and update for RoutinePub to keep working, you’ll be able to use the main menu to get the update.

Shortcut associations are no longer managed as much through the main menu. While you can select and delete multiple associations from the main menu (with multiple selections at a time being a new feature) you cannot add new associations from the main menu. While this feature could possibly return at a later time, currently there is no need for it, as any necessary associations can simply be added when you are submitting an update.

Past versions