Sign in with unlimited

Quickly setup shortcuts with a username, avatar and e-mail address


Welcome to Sign in with ∞!

Authentication on a new level

vCard Home Screen

Always choose if you want to share your data

HTML Welcome Screen…

…that supports dark mode

Sign in with unlimited uses EasyAuth to directly authenticate if you run the Shortcut again!

Want to add Sign in with unlimited?

Check the example here, this will soon be published to RoutineHub.


If you want, you can add a badge to your RH description, you can add the following code:

<a href=""><img src="" title="Sign in with unlimited" /></a>, that gives this as result:


The ♾API is a file based API to get info abut SIWU. At the time it only has a function to check if a user has SIWU. How does it work? Just use a “Get File” action, use this path: /Shortcuts/∞API/SIWU.txt

Graphics made with MediaKit.

Latest Release Notes

2.3 - June 23, 2020, 1:42 p.m.

• Made support for iOS 14
• Added a possibility to use Omega for the setup

Past versions