Netflix Lists - Create and Play

Create and Play Multiple Netflix Lists - with different options for playback


Netflix Lists - Create and Play

Netflix Lists - Main Menu


List Features:

  • Ability to View List and Play Title
  • Ability to Add Title to List
  • Ability to Edit Title Name
  • Ability to “Share” Title directly into List
  • Ability to Auto-Detect if Netflix URL is in ClipBoard
  • Ability to Create Multiple Lists
  • Ability to Edit List Name
  • Ability to Delete Title from List visually
  • Ability to Delete List
  • Ability to Play Random Title from List
  • Ability to Choose Playback Options
    • Start from Beginning
    • Start from Last Position
    • Start from Specific Time
    • Play in Background

Shortcut Features:

  • Auto-update ability with Embed-A-Update
  • Ability to Set Default Settings
  • Website for Support and Documentation
  • Ability to Submit Feedback or Request Support
  • All Settings and Data in iCloud
  • Ability to Delete all files
  • Ability to set Settings in Shortcut
  • Section with (Features Coming Soon)
  • Section with BETA Features

Coming Soon:

  • Ability to Share List with someone
  • Ability to Add List shared with you
  • Ability to change Settings in Menu

Netflix Lists - Main Menu

<style>img {max-width:500px;}</style> Menu

Share into list






Latest Release Notes

1.7.7 - May 13, 2020, 11:38 a.m.

Developer Request:
* I am looking for feedback. Please submit feedback using the Feedback button in the menu.

Features Upgrades:
* Updated Ability to Auto-Detect New List in ClipBoard
Coming Soon:
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu

Past versions