
Netflix Lists - Create and Play

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1.7.7 2 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Developer Request:
* I am looking for feedback. Please submit feedback using the Feedback button in the menu.

Features Upgrades:
* Updated Ability to Auto-Detect New List in ClipBoard
Coming Soon:
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu


1.7.6 2 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
Developer Request:
* I am looking for feedback. Please submit feedback using the Feedback button in the menu.

Features Upgrades:
* Ability to Auto-Detect New List in ClipBoard
* Ability to “Share” New List into Shortcut
* Changed name of “Add List” to “Create Empty List”
* Moved “Share” List out of BETA into Advanced Settings
* Moved Import List our of BETA into Advanced Settings

Coming Soon:
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu


1.7.5 2 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
Features Upgrades:
* Updated Title Name process
* Moved update check to background process

Coming Soon:
* Ability to Auto-Detect New List in ClipBoard
* Ability to “Share” New List into Shortcut

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.7.4 2 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
Features Upgrades:
* Ability to hide actions while running shortcut (to stop from crashing)

Coming Soon:
* Ability to Auto-Detect New List in ClipBoard
* Ability to “Share” New List into Shortcut

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.7.3 2 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
Features Upgrades:
* Ability to auto pull name from Netflix

Coming Soon:
* Ability to Auto-Detect New List in ClipBoard
* Ability to “Share” New List into Shortcut

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.7.2 3 months ago
iOS 13
Features Upgrades:
* List Validation added
* Updated Netflix URL validation

Coming Soon:
* Ability to Auto-Detect New List in ClipBoard
* Ability to “Share” New List into Shortcut

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to auto pull name from Netflix
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.7.1 3 months ago
iOS 13
Features Upgrades:
* Added the ability to import list to BETA
* Updated Share List ability for better url generating (still BETA)

Coming Soon:
* Ability to Auto-Detect New List in ClipBoard
* Ability to “Share” New List into Shortcut

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.7 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
There may be bugs please reach out to me with the support button on the Main Menu.

Features Upgrades:
* Completely Overhauled Code
* Completed framework for Share List with someone

Coming Soon:
* Ability to Share List with someone
* Ability to Add List shared with you

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.6.5 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Features Upgrades:
* Added Ability to Edit Title Name in Advanced Settings

Coming Soon:
* Ability to Share List with someone
* Ability to Add List shared with you

Future Features/Plans:
* Code consolidation
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.6.4 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Features Upgrades:
* Updated framework for Adding Shared List
* Updated framework for consolidating code

Coming Soon:
* Ability to Share List with someone
* Ability to Add List shared with you

Future Features/Plans:
* Code consolidation
* Ability to Edit Title Name
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Setting to be asked if you would like to delete the Title from List when playing
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.6.3 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Features Upgrades:
* Added prompt when first running shortcut to learn more about shortcut
* Added Prompt when creating empty list to notify there are others ways to create list
* Added BETA section
* * Added Share List to BETA section
* Added framework for Adding Shared List
* Added framework for consolidating code

Coming Soon:
* Ability to Share List with someone
* Ability to Add List shared with you

Future Features/Plans:
* Code consolidation
* Ability to Edit Title Name
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.6.2 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Bug Fix:
* Fixed bug where list was parsed with integers instead of Alpha-Numeric values. This caused the delete function to not work properly.
* Updated Delete List function to handle both types of data

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to Edit Title Name
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.6.1 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Feature Updates:
* Added ability to choose which List to Delete
* Changed behavior of Delete List
It used to clear the list but keep the name. Now it completely deletes the list, name included.

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to Edit Title Name
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.6 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Feature Updates:
* Added ability to Create New List
* Added Menu option to Edit List Name
* Put new menu option in “Advanced Settings”
* Added support link to top of Shortcut

Future Features/Plans:
* Ability to Edit Title Name
* Ability to auto-remove title from list when clicking to watch
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.5.4 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Feature Updates:
* Added ability to delete List
* Added Menu option to delete all files
* Put new menu options in “Advanced Settings”

Future Features/Plans:
* Add ability to add multiple Lists
* Add ability to change Settings in Shortcut Menu
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.5.3 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Feature Updates:
* Added ability to auto-detect if Netflix URL is in ClipBoard

Future Features/Plans:
* Add ability to add multiple Lists
* Add ability to delete List
* Add ability to change Optional Setting in Shortcut Menu
* Add Menu option to delete all files
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users


1.5.2 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Feature Updates:
* Change Root Directory for new name
* Added Ability to Clear Settings

Future Features/Plans:
* Add ability to add multiple Lists
* Add ability to delete List
* Add ability to change Optional Setting in Shortcut Menu
* Add Menu option to delete all files
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users
* Add ability to auto-detect if Netflix URL is in ClipBoard

Couple of bug fixes


1.5.1 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Name changed to "Netlfix Lists - Create and Play"

Version Notes:
* Settings moved to iCloud
* Added Ability to set Settings in Shortcut
* Set up Framework for changing Settings after initial load
* Added auto-update ability with Embed-A-Update
* Updated "View List" to "View and Play from List"
* Changed Order of Menu Options
* Added "Submit Feedback or Request Support Button"
* Added section (Features Coming Soon)

Future Features/Plans:
* Add ability to add multiple Lists
* Add ability to delete List
* Add ability to change Optional Setting in Shortcut Menu
* Add Menu option to delete all files
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users
* Add ability to auto-detect if Netflix URL is in ClipBoard


1.5 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Updated from using an internal Dictionary to using JSON stored in iCloud

Added Functionality:
* Added ability to view list
* Made adding to list easier
* Made deleting from list easier and visual
* Added framework for multiple list
* Added ability to create list without initial Titles added
* Added ability to “Share” link directly into list

Future Features/Plans:
* Add ability to add multiple list
* Add ability to delete List
* Add ability to change Optional Setting in Shortcut Menu
* Add website for Support and Documentation
* Add Menu option to leave feedback/request
* Add Menu option to delete all files
* Add menu option to track if users would like to see an app version
* Request testing from Users
* Add ability to auto-detect if Netflix URL is in ClipBoard


1.0 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Added Features:
* Ability to add to list
* Ability to delete from list
* Play Random Title from List
* Choose Playback Options
* Start from Beginning
* Start from Last Position
* Start from Specific Time
* Play in Background

Future Features/Plans:

* Switch to iCloud hosting of data
* Make adding to list easier
* Make deleting from list easier
* “Share” link into list from Netflix app