Shortcuts Media Locker

For anything you wish to hide


Important Note

When installed, this shortcut is disguised as ‘Shortcuts Meta Library’.

By downloading, you accept the terms of use, as described at the bottom of this description.

For Users

Shortcuts Media Locker (SML) is a way to make files unreadable to others who have access to your device. (i.e. your mom.) It currently has two security options. One just compresses the files and changes the file extension, so the files likely won’t keep their security from skilled hackers. The other uses an embedded CryptoKit for more security. SML uses my shortcut, PassKit, for its password security.


SML uses PassKit’s Facade feature, allowing the user a ‘safeword’ password that changes the directory of file storage, and the accepted file extension, so effectively there can be two folders that are incompatible with each other. I’d recomend filling the Facade with files that are only mildly secret, and using the main one for your own uses. Facade files are incompatible with main files, and main files cannot be opened in Facade mode, (and vice versa.) While in Facade mode, files cannot be deleted from inside the app (in case someone forces you to delete the files that aren’t the real files anyway). When a file is ‘deleted’ in Facade mode, SML only pretends the file doesn’t exist for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes are up, the file reappears in SML Facade mode and can be accessed as usual.

Importing and Converting

SML uses the share sheet to allow importing from pretty much anywhere. It also uses a little code that prevents it from running in the editor when share sheet is used, reducing lag drastically. When a file is inputted via the share sheet, SML will allow you to choose how to import the file. All this is accessible inside the shortcut, where it asks to navigate to the file in files or photos. The names are base64 encoded to keep them safe from prying eyes. The user may also move many files to /Shortcuts/SML/Import/ to automatically import each of them the next time SML is run.

File viewing

This shortcut allows you to view converted files via the share sheet, or navigating to them in the shortcut. A list of the files that have been imported is also available to choose from. In this list, the base64 names of the files convert to plaintext to allow the user to choose more easily. The user may also have multiple folders of files, with custom names. A view of all files imported is also available, to save the need to continually re-run the shortcut to view different files. This view has several filters the user can activate to change how the files are seen. The following formats are natively supported:

  • png
  • jpg
  • tiff
  • bmp
  • heic
  • gif
  • mp4
  • mov
  • m4a
  • mp3
  • aiff/aifc
  • pdf
  • txt
  • All other formats can be accessed via the ‘Everything’ filter or the ‘Other’ filter. Please contact me to add a file extension.


    SML uses PassKit for password security. The password (or facade password) of the shortcut must be inputted every time the shortcut is run (or runs itself). This is for your security. Sorry for any inconvenience. SML is disguised under the name ‘Shortcuts Meta Library’. If you would like to change the name if the shortcut, first change the dictionary value ‘Self’ at the beginning of the shortcut. SML also contains an embedded version of CryptoKit by u/schl3ck, which it uses for more optional security. Used with permission. See this reddit post for more details.

    Dependencies and Integrations


    Release notes


    Terms of Use
  • Do not redistribute, modify, or remix this shortcut without my permission.
  • Do not copy any portion of the code.
  • The Author is not responsible for any misuse or abuse of this shortcut.
  • You accept that these terms may change at any time.

  • Thanks for using Shortcuts Media Locker

    Latest Release Notes

    1.0033 - July 23, 2020, 4:57 p.m.

    Changed username, Import question for terms of use, removed Making of SML.

    Past versions