Device Control (Legacy)

Toggle actions quickly within the Today Widget


iOS12 DCBanner

Welcome to Device Control! A shortcut where you can control the most of your device. This shortcut is being built from scratch for the upcoming 2.0 update, coming hopefully in the Winter of this year. Check out the planned features below.

DOWNLOAD the iOS 13 Version Here: Link Coming Soon, will post when 2.0 is posted

Coming in 2.0:

  • I also have plans to make Device Control back to being Universal, meaning all iOS Versions are able to use it again. This is what keeps users lenient on updating, since of jailbreaks, unstable versions, etc... However, once I update to 2.0, iOS 13 <u>IS</u> required. There will be no more updates being posted here.

  • Multiple Language Support via TranslateHub.. this has been in the works for awhile, but since iOS 13 is coming out, I decided to ship it with the 2.0 release because it’ll be a hassle for me to go through everything and since I want a redesigned menu, I decided to rewrite it

  • I found an article that was posted that you can now launch a specific setting with a URL! This will take some time, but I will be supporting it in 2.0!

  • Redesigned Menu.. I know my menu is simple with emojis, but I want to have a menu that is much more cleaner instead of having a simple menu

  • Toolbox Pro.. now I’m investigating into this, but for certain parts of the shortcut, you will need Toolbox Pro, an app that I’m testing out and should be out soon to everyone, but since the app has some features that will be awesome for me to incorporate into my shortcut, you will need the app in order to execute the function. I will have a “requires Toolbox Pro” icon or I will include it in a separate menu setting, I’m still deciding on that.

  • More to come later..

Progress v2.0:
I am aware that iOS 13 just got released a few weeks ago and unfortunately, cannot update one final time for iOS 12 to have a universal version. Check updates below.. I’ll try to update it every once in awhile.

█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 10%

(as of 5/13/19 @ 1:20pm)

Link to the progression of Device Control 2.0 will come out later as I’m getting everything setup.

Malware Free




Respring Modes:

Sadly, respring has been patched by Apple. v1.21.7 was released to prevent users above 12.2 to launch that command.

Feature Requires iOS Patch iOS
Respring 12.0.0 12.2
Restart 12.0 12.1

Device Information:

Works with: iPad and iPhone

Requires: iOS 12.1.2 (see chart below for version requirements)

Language: English

Version Chart:
Version of Device Control Requires iOS
0.0 - 0.54 12.0
0.54 - 1.10.4 12.0.1
1.10.4 - 1.20 12.1
1.20.1 - 1.21.41 12.1.1
1.21.5 - 1.21.7 12.1.2
2.0 and beyond! (coming soon) 13.0

Graphics created with MediaKit

Latest Release Notes

1.21.7 - March 27, 2019, 3:28 a.m.

• iOS 12.2 support
• IMPORTANT: Reboot (Respring) will not work in this version. Sadly, Apple had patched the appleprintcenter:// bug. If I find another method, I will release it.

For now, this might the last update until v2.0. I was waiting on to release it with 2.0, but I wanted to get it out there ASAP so people will know instead of telling me it’s not working.

Past versions