Share Tool

share photos/screenshots/videos/files, or links to these items, using Messages, Mail or Share Sheet


The purpose of Share Tool is to share one or more photos/screenshots/video files, or links to these items, using the Messages app, the Mail app, or the iOS Share Sheet.

A video demonstration of Share Tool is available here.

Shortcut Testing

Share Tool has been tested with the following:

  • iPhone 8 Plus (iOS 13.6)
  • iPad Pro 10.5" (iOS 14 Developer beta 3)

Shortcut Development and Acknowledgments

  • Share Tool is available exclusively at Versions obtained elsewhere might be out-of-date.

  • The framed screenshots were created using the shortcut Apple Frames (iOS) from the MacStories Shortcuts Archive. Video demonstrations were created with the macOS application ScreenFlow.

  • The photos used in the Share Tool demonstration video are from r/EarthPorn.

  • Updated versions of Share Tool will be published here, but to maximize execution speed, the shortcut does not include any actions to automatically check for updates.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - July 27, 2020, 12:43 p.m.

First public release. Updated versions of Share Tool will be published here, but to maximize execution speed, the shortcut does not include any actions to automatically check for updates.

Past versions