Shazam It!

Ask Siri to Shazam a song and add it to a playlist.


Welcome to Shazam It! Ever wanted to easily Shazam a song and add it to your music library easily in one swift step by asking Siri? Well, now you can! Just say “Hey, Siri Shazam It!”, she’ll listen to the audio, tell you what the song is and then ask if you want to add it to your library/playlist! It’s that easy!

NOTICE: This Shortcut is still in beta and has only been tested on iOS 14 beta 3 and up. Your results on iOS 13 may vary.

Please send feedback to [email protected]. Thank you!

Requires UpdateKit

Graphics created with MediaKit

Latest Release Notes

1.0b1 - Aug. 6, 2020, 11:57 p.m.

-Public Beta Release
-Please send feedback to [email protected]

Past versions