Create Actions Lists from Reminders

Retrieve available reminders and make a list of unique list titles. Create those lists in Actions.


This Shortcut does the following:

  1. Retrieve all available reminders from the Reminders app.
  2. Iterate through those reminders and retrieve the list titles. In order to make sure we make a list of only the unique list titles (therefore no duplicates), we add each title as the key in a dictionary, and then retrieve allKeys at the end.
  3. Iterate through those list titles and create lists in Actions if they don't already exist. This uses the Create Actions List shortcut.

Before installing this Shortcut, please install the following: 1. The app itself: Actions by Moleskine 2. Shortcut: Create Actions List

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Nov. 1, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

First version of this Shortcut.

Past versions