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5.0 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
RoutinePub 5.0 is a complete overhaul focused on speed and simplicity

RoutinePub has been rewritten from scratch. This takes it from 535 actions to 245.

Most of the functionality you know is still there, but there are some important changes.

Publishing shortcut updates is now done entirely via the main menu. To publish an update, run RoutinePub and select “Publish Update” from main menu. Select a shortcut from your library to continue.

This removes the ability to use the share sheet from a shortcut to upload it to RoutinePub. This is for several reasons.

1. The share sheet method requires RoutinePub to “show” while running. Showing shortcuts in the editor is very expensive from a performance perspective. It can lead complex shortcuts to crash. The previous version of RoutinePub integrated the functionality of the AirBag shortcut to protect against this. With RoutinePub 5.0, even that is no longer necessary as the shortcut never runs via the editor.

2. The new method enables you to publish multiple shortcuts at once. Unlike the old method, you may now select multiple shortcuts from the main menu and they will each be released one after the other. You will be able to specify version numbers and release notes for each one separately.

3. This new method allows RoutinePub to get the name of the shortcut you are uploading without having to download that data from the iCloud API. Previously when submitting only the URL, RoutinePub had to get the name of the shortcut from iCloud to handle the “Associations” functionality. Now it can read the name of the shortcut you select from the list directly, which speeds up the process and requires no new network calls.

In order to support multiple updates at once, the option to open a share sheet after publishing an update has been removed. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Updating RoutinePub is now handled via the main menu rather than when it runs. In the event that server-side changes necessitate and update for RoutinePub to keep working, you’ll be able to use the main menu to get the update.

Shortcut associations are no longer managed as much through the main menu. While you can select and delete multiple associations from the main menu (with multiple selections at a time being a new feature) you cannot add new associations from the main menu. While this feature could possibly return at a later time, currently there is no need for it, as any necessary associations can simply be added when you are submitting an update.


4.2 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
You can now submit a shortcut even easier than in the last update! You no longer need to enter an iCloud URL. You still have the option, but now you can also simply select a shortcut from your library to upload it to RoutineHub. Thanks to RoutineHub user @BuzzTheGamer23 for the idea!


4.1 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
You can now submit an update from the RoutinePub main menu instead of using the share menu every time. Tap “Submit Update” on the main menu and paste the iCloud URL for the new version into the text field. From there process works as normal.


4.0.2 10 months ago
iOS 13
This should hopefully fix the main menu prompting for your API key on every run on certain versions of iOS.


4.0.1 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Fixed “Manage Shortcuts” menu. Thanks andi51081 for the report!

4.0 introduces iOS 13 support.


4.0 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
iOS 13 support. Please report any issues to @UpdateKit on Twitter.


3.4.1 1 year, 4 months ago
iOS 12
RoutineHub submission rules are now available from the main menu.


3.4 1 year, 5 months ago
iOS 12
Safety check to ensure that the integrated AirBag fires correctly on non-English phones.


3.3 1 year, 8 months ago
iOS 12
AirBags now come standard!

This update adds the functionality of the AirBag shortcut built into RoutinePub. This will help prevent most crashes related to publishing shortcuts with RoutinePub.

If you are using RoutinePub 3.3 or higher, you do not need to use AirBag with it. You can still use AirBag with other shortcuts, as needed.

If you don’t know about AirBag, it’s a new shortcut that helps protect you from crashes in the Shortcuts app. You can find it on RoutineHub!


3.2 1 year, 8 months ago
iOS 12
CryptoKit is now embedded in RoutinePub directly. You no longer need to keep CryptoKit Lite installed separately and can safely delete it after installing this update. No user-facing functionality should change.


3.1.2 1 year, 8 months ago
iOS 12
Fixed an issue that could cause RoutinePub to attempt to make a new (empty) update submission after changing your API key.


3.1.1 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
No changes to RoutinePub. Includes an updated version of CryptoKit Lite with improved wording on the passcode prompts. This is mostly to clarify things for new users, but if you are an existing user and would like the new wording, just delete CryptoKey Lite from your device and run RoutinePub to get the new version.


3.1 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Adds support for more complex version numbers with unlimited decimals.

Fixes any and all problems related to comma-as-decimal countries.

Now requires UpdateKit 3.0 to support more complex version numbers.


2.6 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Adds support for (and now requires) UpdateKit 2.3 and higher.


2.5 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12

This update lays the groundwork for additional (unplanned) changes to be made in the future by consolidating all of the different settings files into a single file.

You will need to re-enter your API key after this update and your associations will be reset. This should be the only time this is necessary.

You can also delete the following three files from iCloud Drive » Shortcuts » RoutinePub as they are no longer required:

API Key.txt


2.4 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Fixes an issue with “Copy Shortcut ID” button


2.3 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Fixed an issue that could show bits of old associations in your list and an incorrect count of current associations if you had deleted an association.


2.2 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Adds the option to see a list of all existing associations, even for uninstalled shortcuts.


2.1 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
RoutinePub now learns which shortcuts on your device go to which listings on your RoutineHub account. It will automatically make these connections whenever you successfully upload a shortcut to RoutineHub.

When you upload future versions of a shortcut that has a RoutineHub association, RoutinePub will skip the step of asking which shortcut you’re uploading and automatically upload it to the correct listing. If there is no current association for a shortcut you will be prompted to choose a listing from your RoutineHub account just like in previous versions.

If you need to manually add or remove one of these RoutineHub associations, you can use the Shortcut Associations function from the main menu.

The settings for changing or deleting your API key are now under the Manage API Key function in the main menu.

Fixes a bug related to installing new versions of RoutinePub.


2.01 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Version 2.01 adds a prompt after submitting a shortcut that allows you to immediately publish it if it is currently set to unpublished.

That comes along with these great changes from today’s 2.0 release:

Added secure iCloud storage for encrypted API keys. You no longer need to enter your key after updating or reinstalling.

Added a main menu with options for managing API keys and shortcuts. Run RoutinePub from the Shortcuts list to access it.

Added the ability to publish and unpublish shortcuts from within RoutinePub. Tap “Manage Shortcuts” on the main menu to begin.


2.0 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Added secure iCloud storage for encrypted API keys. You no longer need to enter your key after updating or reinstalling.

Added a main menu with options for managing API keys and shortcuts. Run RoutinePub from the Shortcuts list to access it.

Added the ability to publish and unpublish shortcuts from within RoutinePub. Tap “Manage Shortcuts” on the main menu to begin.


1.4 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Adds a fix that prevents UpdateKit support from breaking if RoutinePub is installed before UpdateKit


1.3 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Fixed a URL that is used if your account has no existing Shortcuts.


1.2 1 year, 10 months ago
iOS 12
Moves UpdateKit to the front of the workflow so that you can get the latest updates without needing to share a shortcut. Also contains the decimal/comma fix for non-US countries from version 1.1.


1.1 1 year, 10 months ago
iOS 12
Automatically converts commas in version numbers to decimals to support countries where the comma key replaces the decimal key on the number pad.


1.0 1 year, 10 months ago
iOS 12
Initial release.