Shortcut Launcher (helper)

used with its parent shortcut, Shortcut Launcher


Shortcut Launcher (helper) Dialogs


Shortcut Launcher, the parent of this shortcut, includes a configuration parameter named:

Use Shortcut Launcher (helper)

If this value is set to 1, then this shortcut should be run anytime a shortcut is added to, deleted from, or renamed in the Shortcuts App Library.


Refer to Parent Shortcut, Shortcut Launcher, for much more information.

Latest Release Notes

2.0 - Oct. 22, 2019, 6:25 a.m.

- updated for iOS 13.1.3
- for automatic update checking, changed to Embed-a-Update

This is a 'helper' shortcut for another shortcut named 'Shortcut Launcher' ( Note that 'Shortcut Launcher' does not require an update for iOS 13.

Past versions