
Shortcut Launcher (helper)

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2.0 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- updated for iOS 13.1.3
- for automatic update checking, changed to Embed-a-Update

This is a 'helper' shortcut for another shortcut named 'Shortcut Launcher' ( Note that 'Shortcut Launcher' does not require an update for iOS 13.


1.2 1 year, 8 months ago
iOS 12
Changes to the Parent Shortcut, Shortcut Launcher, necessitated this version change.

Note: Tested with Shortcuts v2.1.1 on iPhone 8 Plus and iPad Pro 10.5"


1.1 1 year, 8 months ago
iOS 12
a) Added 'Continue in App' action because a large Shortcut App Library requires more memory than the widget can provide.

b) Added actions to cause the shortcut to rerun itself. This enables the shortcut to run more quickly if the user runs the shortcut from the Shortcuts App editor.

c) Removed performance warnings that are no longer needed due to the change above.

d) Added a Setup Parameter (a.k.a. Import Question) defining the Parent Shortcut(s). Added actions to check that they exist in the Library.

e) Updated the Alerts to refer to 'Parent Shortcut' or 'Parent Shortcuts' depending on the number defined.

Note: Tested with Shortcuts v2.1.1 on iPhone 8 Plus and iPad Pro 10.5"


1.0 1 year, 9 months ago
iOS 12
Revisions since 2018-10-19 release on Reddit (/shortcuts) and Automators Talk:

a) Uploaded this shortcut, 'Shortcut Launcher (helper)', and its Parent Shortcut, 'Shortcut Launcher', to RoutineHub.

b) Added UpdateKit check every time this shortcut is run.

c) By default, the Parent Shortcut is 'Shortcut Launcher'. But some users might choose to have multiple copies of the parent, each with different Dictionary settings. In all cases, however, only one copy of this helper shortcut is required.

d) At the end of this shortcut, if the version of this shortcut has changed, run the Parent Shortcut(s) passing integer 1. The Parent(s) uses UpdateKit also, but only makes an update check when it is passed this 1. Thus, the Parent(s) bypasses the update check when it is routinely run by the user.

Note: Tested with Shortcuts v2.1 on iPhone 8 Plus and iPad Pro 10.5".