Minecraft Studio

Minecraft Studio, an essential tool for iOS Minecraft creators.


Minecraft Studio

Welcome to Minecraft Studio!


This tool is designed to be a helpful companion to any Minecraft iOS content creator! It contains useful things like downloading the vanilla behavior and resource packs from minecraft.net, fresh for customizing! There’s also plenty of links to helpful resources online, which are useful for new and longtime creators alike! It also includes sound effects from the game!

Useful Features: Pack Manifest Compiler, which makes a .manifest file for you without coding knowledge! • Seed Generator, which generates a random seed following the same rules as if it were in-game! • Package Content section, which allows you to prepare Minecraft creations for publishing/sharing! • Generate UUID, which grabs a fresh UUID from uuidgenerator.net for pack creation. • JSON Validator window, which doesn’t require leaving the app! • Text Stylizer, which takes a text input and adds extra style for in-game text boxes like world names, signs, and chat! • Nether Portal Calculator, which calculates the location your portal will end up in the Overworld or Nether based on coordinates. • Mojang API features, like checking system status of the API. More coming in 2020.

Extra Features: • Displays the latest Minecraft version in the main menu. • Open com.mojang folder option; if you have the shortcut FS Bookmarks, you can grab the URL scheme to the folder and place it inside the shortcut for faster access. If you don’t have it, it just tells you how to locate the folder and opens the files app for you. • Tutorials for essential Minecraft content creation inbuilt and available offline! • More coming soon... •

The Documents app isn’t required, but it’s recommended for some functions. I am working to make Minecraft Studio independent of it, but some sections still need it. I also suggest downloading MCPE Addons if you haven’t already, as it can download and install content for Minecraft without even leaving the app!

Warning: This shortcut is massive, and it may cause your app to crash when updating if you don’t delete your older copy of Minecraft Studio first. Be patient as it imports, and I recommend not running it in the edit menu.

Disclaimer: Any links I place in this Shortcut are not affiliated with me in any way. They are simply for educational and informative purposes.

Graphics created with MediaKit

Latest Release Notes

2.3.1 - Jan. 20, 2020, 4:29 p.m.

• Changed the Text Stylizer option to a dependency, reducing number of actions. A new vCard interface with some more dependencies instead of embedded shortcuts is already in the works for 3.0. Stay tuned.
• Changed some glyphs and labels in the menus to better reflect what they do.
• Consolidated app list options into one main menu item.
• Minor big fixes.

Past versions