Pack Manifest Generator

Generates manifest dictionaries for Minecraft packs.


Mockups coming soon

A small shortcut useful for generating a pack manifest.json file for Minecraft, Bedrock Edition. It contains documentation so you can learn more about the process of creating this file and its usefulness.

Note: This shortcut will no longer be updated as often. I added it to the main shortcut, Minecraft Studio. Most future updates to this shortcut idea will come to the Pack Manifest Generator section of Minecraft Studio, but there may be a port from time to time. I am considering making this a dependency, however. You can download Minecraft Studio here:

Minecraft Studio

Graphics created with MediaKit

Latest Release Notes

1.3 - Dec. 21, 2019, 5:02 a.m.

Final update of 2019! I hope it’s been a good year for all of you! Cheers to a good 2020! To celebrate I’ve decided to (partially) revive this old project of mine!
Added in this version:
• Refreshed to more closely match the section in Minecraft Studio. This shortcut uses the same directories as well, so you can use it in addition to Minecraft Studio if you wish.
• Removed the need for the Documents app, now all the work can be done inside the shortcut itself!
• Added the ability to view previously generated manifests!
• Update support, just in case I feel the need to update this shortcut again.

Past versions