
Automatic localization for your Shortcut.


TranslateKit is a fast, lightweight way to auto-localize your shortcut (multilingual support). Your shortcut can be understood in almost any language using TranslateKit.

Built-in languages menu with emoji country flags and translated language names.


TranslateKit automatically detects the system language of the user and puts it at the top of the language selection menu. However, user can select any language in the menu regardless of their system language.

How to use in your shortcut

Getting started with TranslateKit is as easy as 2 actions.


Run TranslateKit at the start of your shortcut, before it put a Dictionary action with a shortcut_name, and shortcut_id key (Your RoutineHub ID). This will prompt the user to select a language to use for your shortcut.

The Run Shortcut action will output the language they select. Keep in mind it will be in their system language.

Duplicate those actions in your workflow but include a text key with a dictionary type value. Fill this dictionary with text you'll use across your shortcuts dialogues and menus. When run, it returns a dictionary with the same keys translated to whichever language your user selected.

Further step-by-step guide:

Dictionary Guide

Key Type Value
shortcut_name (Required) Text Name of your Shortcut
shortcut_id (Required) Number Your shortcuts RoutineHub ID
text Text or Dictionary Standard text or dictionary to translate
url URL iCloud file URL such as ‘your_shortcut/localization.json’. Method for inputting JSON from a url instead of a dictionary value.
progress Boolean Whether or not to show an alert before translating letting the user of your shortcut know that translating your shortcut may take a moment.

After translating the dictionary, the dictionary data is saved in iCloud as /translatekit/{your_shortcut_id}/translation.json.

Translations are cached for quick retrieval so that if the text has not changed it won’t affect the speed of your shortcut. If the original text is in the selected language, it is passed back immediately.

After the first run and cache, it’s just as fast as using standard localizations except you don’t have to create them!

Download Badge

If you'd like, you can include the code below on your RoutineHub page to let your users know to download TranslateKit if they don’t already have it.

[![Requires TranslateKit](](

Requires TranslateKit

Example shortcut


Download Example "How-to" Shortcut on RoutineHub

Download the example shortcut for examples and instruction comments on how to build translations into your menus, alerts, etc.

Step-by-step guide:

Offline Support

TranslateKit requires a stable internet connection to translate text/dictionaries or get cached translations from iCloud. Translation speed or cache retrieval can be slow as a result of a poor internet connection. The original text is returned when offline.

Localization Support

TranslateKit detects the system language automatically to translate its internal menus, dialogues, and the names for languages. But don't worry, it doesn’t use Mail, Calendars or Location Services like other shortcuts might to detect your system language.

Language Support

TranslateKit uses a translator API by Microsoft via a shortcut action to translate text and dictionaries. The languages available are based on what the translator supports.

Dependencies: UpdateKit

Powered by Microsoft Translate

Created with ScPL

Graphics created with MediaKit

Latest Release Notes

2.1.2 - July 6, 2020, 2:35 a.m.

Fixes an issue where Shortcuts with the progress key would put up a progress alert even if the shortcut didn’t need to be translated or had already been translated but was in the default device language.

Past versions