
1Shortcut to backup them all. 1Backup to keep you safe.


Use of Dropbox optional

Made for iOS 13

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1Backup is 100% Malware Free


Welcome to 1Backup—the all-in-one solution for organizing and backing up your personal shortcuts collection.



Backups—a tiresome but nevertheless important topic. Even when it comes to your shortcuts.

There are now a whole bunch of backup shortcuts, as everyone has a different idea of the perfect backup solution. These solutions may be ideal for one or the other, I myself follow my own way of backing up my shortcuts. And exactly this way I want to share with you with 1Backup.

The concept: 1Backup backs up your shortcuts in only one single file in iCloud Drive (as JSON dictionary). Additional security is provided by an automatic second backup with 1Backup for Dropbox (optional). It's basically the same as the backups you create for a computer—you should always make at least two identical backups on two different volumes in two different locations. And that's what 1Backup does.

With 1Backup you can backup and restore several shortcuts at once. For a better overview, you can create folders to organize your shortcuts collection. Furthermore, there are numerous options that leave (almost) nothing to be desired: You can create multiple folders, edit folder names, move shortcuts from one folder to another. Shortcuts and folders can be deleted, and of course, it is also possible to reset the backup.

The unique 1Backup Overview screen gives you a visual overview of all your folders and backed up shortcuts. In this area, you also have the possibility to restore individual shortcuts (although this is not the main purpose of 1Backup Overview).

The only thing that requires 1Backup: Backup the shortcuts you work on regularly! You've been working on your shortcut for half an hour? Then save the shortcut! You take a short break? Then save the shortcut! You postpone working until tomorrow? Then save the shortcut!

Good to know: 1Backup uses an embedded update mechanism. The shortcut automatically and independently checks with each call whether updates are available or not. You can specify the frequency/interval in days in which 1Backup checks for updates. For example, if you use the shortcut daily, it may be enough for the shortcut to check for an update only every three days. This is up to you. You configure this after you have imported the shortcut.

Nice to have: 1Backup is equipped with a visual menu concept that makes navigation easier for you. The shortcut reacts to your display settings. Depending on whether you use Light or Dark Mode, the shortcut adapts accordingly. For those who like it a bit more playful, there is 1Backup Emojified (see images at the bottom of this page), which you can activate via the Import Questions.

Important note: 1Backup has many security measures to avoid errors—including those that could be caused by the user—and has been intensively tested. 1Backup is not responsible for the loss of backups or shortcuts. No need to worry, this should not happen.

And now have fun with 1Backup!


1Backup Video Demonstration (of version 1.0)

A lot of things have been improved since initial release, so some parts of the video are already outdated.
1Backup Video Presentation


1Backup Menus

1Backup Backup & Restore

1Backup Overview



1Backup Backup


Saving shortcuts with 1Backup is done in three simple steps:

  1. If you tap on Backup and have not yet created any folders, you will be asked to create a folder first to be able to backup a shortcut.
  2. If folders already exist, you have the option to create another folder (in the same step you can also directly backup your shortcuts) or to select a folder in which you want to backup your shortcut(s).
  3. Your shortcuts from My Shortcuts will then be displayed. The list is either sorted alphabetically or the shortcuts are displayed in the same order as they are sorted in the Shortcuts app. Alternatively, the most recently modified shortcut is displayed at the top, older ones further down. You have configured all this via the import questions. Now select the shortcut(s) you want to save to the folder you selected before. If a shortcut with an identical name is already in the folder you selected, it will be overwritten without further inquiry. This way you will always keep the backup of your shortcut up to date.

Important: Since iOS 13 shortcuts can only be imported via the iCloud URL, shortcuts files can no longer be opened directly. Therefore, you have to create links (see image below) for the shortcuts you want to save. This is done immediately during backup in step 3. Don't worry, if you want to save several shortcuts at once, you still only need to confirm the creation of the links once.

1Backup Create Links Alert



1Backup Restore


Restoring your shortcuts is as simple as backing them up:

  1. If you tap on Restore, you will get access to a list containing your folders. Select one to see the shortcuts stored.
  2. Now you can select one or more shortcuts at once to restore them.
  3. Your selected shortcuts will be opened in a special Safari page—ready for importing!



1Backup Manage


A good backup shortcut should not only give you the ability to back up and restore your shortcuts. With 1Backup Manage you can create multiple folders, edit folder names, move shortcuts from one folder to another, delete entire folders or just single shortcuts.


1. Add Folders
2. Rename Folders
3. Move Shortcuts
4. Remove Folders
5. Remove Shortcuts
6. Reset All


1Backup Add Folders

1. Add Folders

You already learned about adding folders when you saved your shortcuts. Whenever you spontaneously create a folder to save a shortcut directly in it, you choose the way via the main menu and the menu item "Backup". But if you want to create several folders at once, then you've come to the right place:

  1. Tap on Add Folders and you will immediately be asked to assign folder names.
  2. Please note that each folder must be on a separate/newline (see example below).
  3. If you accidentally assign a folder name that already exists in your backup, this entry will simply be ignored. This avoids overwriting a folder.

Like this:
Folder One
Folder Two
Folder Three


1Backup Rename Folders

2. Rename Folders

If you have mistyped or just want to make changes to your folder name, you can do so here:

  1. If you choose Rename Folders, you will be shown a list of your folders (assuming you have already created some). Select the folder whose name you want to edit.
  2. You will be shown the current name, which you can now edit/correct. Confirm with OK. That's it.


1Backup Move Shortcuts

3. Move Shortcuts

If you accidentally saved a shortcut in the wrong folder or found a better place for it, just move it to another folder:

  1. If you select Move Shortcuts, the list of your folders will be displayed first. Select the folder that contains the shortcut you want to move.
  2. All shortcuts in the selected folder will be displayed. Now choose the shortcut that you want to move.
  3. You selected the source folder in the first step, now it is time to select the destination folder. If the destination folder contains a shortcut with the same name, you will be asked if you want to overwrite it. Be aware, this step cannot be undone.


1Backup Remove Folders

4. Remove Folders

There are moments when you might want to part with old shortcuts. If they are all in one folder, you can easily delete them:

  1. If you select Remove Folders, you will be shown a list of all your folders. Select the folder you want to remove.
  2. If the folder is not empty you will get a hint which shortcuts are part of the folder and you can decide if you really want to delete the folder. To make sure that nothing can go wrong, you will be asked once again if you are sure. If the folder has no content, it will be directly deleted.


1Backup Remove Shortcuts

5. Remove Shortcuts

It doesn't always have to be whole folders—sometimes you just want to delete single shortcuts. Here's how it works:

  1. If you choose Remove Shortcuts, you must first select the folder containing the shortcut(s) you want to remove.
  2. Then select the shortcuts you want to remove. Done. By the way, there are no warnings in this case!


1Backup Reset All

6. Reset All

There are not many reasons to take this step, but if the time is right, you can reset your backup completely with this.

  1. If you select Reset All, you will be warned twice that this step is irrevocable. If you decide to reset the backup, all your folders and shortcuts will be deleted—forever!



1Backup Overview


You can view all your folders and shortcuts secured with 1Backup in the "Restore" area. But why wander far away, when the good is so close. With 1Backup Overview you can not only keep an eye on everything but also restore individual shortcuts.

  1. If you select Overview an overview of all your folders and shortcuts created with 1Backup will be displayed.
  2. Change the complete view by opening or closing all folders with the Switch View button.
  3. Alternatively, you can open and close single folders only.
  4. 1Backup mainly restores shortcuts via the Restore option. But also Overview offers you the possibility to restore single shortcuts. If you are currently browsing through your shortcuts in Overview anyway, you don't have to switch to the Restore area. To restore a single shortcut, point your finger at the iCloud URL under the shortcut name. This will open the iOS typical menu that was introduced with iOS 13. Tap Copy Link to copy the iCloud URL to the clipboard and then tap Done in the upper right corner to close the Overview window. The copied shortcut will then automatically open in Safari and you can import it.



1Backup Dark Mode 1/3 1Backup Dark Mode 2/3 1Backup Dark Mode 3/3



1Backup Emojified 1/3 1Backup Emojified 2/3 1Backup Emojified 3/3



No third party Updater Shortcut required.

1Backup has an integrated update mechanism called Embed-a-Update. Thanks to the embedded updater, 1Backup does not require any external updater shortcut. The shortcut checks for updates itself, so you'll always be up to date and never miss an update.

This Shortcut supports Embed-a-Update



Almost all graphics on this page were made with MediaKit

Graphics created with MediaKit


Exclusively available on RoutineHub.co

This Shortcut is available exclusively on RoutineHub.co. If you find it somewhere else, it's a fake. Please let me know in the comments below if you found this Shortcut somewhere else. Thanks.


ROPcuts Malware Free

Made by ROPcuts

Latest Release Notes

1.4.1 - July 16, 2020, 4:59 p.m.

New in version 1.4.1:
— Battery level check removed
— Internet connection check removed

Past versions