Shorty News

The first advanced news shortcut - 90 popular news sources at one place.


Welcome to Shorty News!

Language: English, German, Italian and Dutch

Region: Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Mexico, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States


Shorty News collects the lastest articles from over 90 popular news sources in 11 countries and bundles this for you at one place. You can select and read or save them on your mobile device.

It subdivides in five parts - News Bundle, Browse, Topics, Save and Settings
To learn more about these wonderful and hard-working sections, you can read these introductions below.


No subscription - all free

Shorty News is based on RSS feeds the news sources offer. Everything is free and you do not need to transact a subscriprtion with any news sources.

No advertising with the detailed view

We all know that! Advertising - Everywhere, everytime. It is annoying! So I have tackled the matter and I develop the solution - the News Reader by Shortycuts in Shortcuts, the alternative way is the Safari Reader, which is also available here at Shorty News.

Privacy and Security

The private and data-safe use of Shortycuts' users are guaranteed here as well. Shortycuts will never track your data and save it without your permission.

No liability if any third party providers track user data. Third party providers are Apple Inc. and all news sources in Shorty News. This is not an assumption.

News Bundle

News Bundle scours well-known news sources in six countries currently. The most recent articles will then be played back to you in an unique vCard menu. You can choose one article and read it with Shortycuts' reader, save it for later, or visit its website.


Browse focuses on every news source we offer from your region. If you select a news source, you will be offered up to 30 current articles from its RSS feed.
Varied topics are guaranteed here.


Topics is a smart way to follow lastest news topics you like based on your specified keywords.
Maybe Donald Trump or Fridays For Future?

Browse - Browse offers you the opportunity to read articles about a specific topic, but without saving it on your personal Topic favourite list

Add - Here you can add new topics you want to follow to your topic favourite list.

Delete - The opposite of Add is surely Delete. You can delete a topic you don't want to follow anymore from your favourite list here.

Search mechanism

The search mechanism is simple to understand:
If you search articles about your topic (or keyword), Shorty News will search every news source in your region and its 5 lastest articles. If your topic will be detected in the summary of the news article, Shorty News will suggest you it. If not, then nothing happens.


Save is a wonderful way to save news articles offline. If you've found something appealing, you can save it and access it later, even when you're offline.

Finished reading articles - Offline saved news articles will be shown here. You have everytime and everywhere the access to every saved article until your delete it from your Shorty News Save Gallery

Delete news articles - You can delete your saved news articles here, but attention: If the article is deleted, it will be diffcult to find it again

Shorty News's Reader

Personal. Unique. Beautiful.

After you select your article, Shorty News will show yor article in four different designs and in five different fonts, which of course you've already configured beforehand. This will make reading more comfortable.

Change font size - With Shorty News 2.0 it is possible to change the font size within reading. The sizes are between 13pt and 40pt.

Change reader design - With Shorty News 2.0 it is also possible to switch the design within reading

But it is important to know that these changes will keep temporarily. The opportunity to keep the changes is going to be implemented soon.

ROP's Design

You can't find only the ROP's beautiful menu design in his well-known shortcuts like MergeCuts or 1Backup. This design has already been taken over to other shortcut creators. Now, also in Shortycuts! Don't worry, the old-school icon menu is still available in an improved version.

News sources

Arabic News

Asharq al-Awsat, Al Arabiya, Al Jazeera (English), BBC Arabic, CNN Arabic, RT Arabic


9News, ABC Australia, SBS Australia, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age


English: CBC News, CTV News, Global News, National Post, Toronto Star
French: Le Devoir, Le Journal de Montreal, La Presse, Radio-Canada, TVA Nouvelles


BILD, die tageszeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Handelsblatt, n-tv, Stern, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesschau, Welt und ZEIT


ANSA, Corriere della Sera, Il Foglio, Il Messaggero, Il Sole 24 Ore, La Repubblica


El Debate, El Universal, El Siglo de Torreon, Excelsior, Vanguardia


1Limburg, AD, De Telegraaf, NOS, NRC,, Omroep West, Omroep Brabant, RTL Nieuws, Tweakers


Diario de Noticias, Jornal de Noticias


Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Svenska Dagbladet, Sydsvenskan

United Kingdom

BBC News, The Guardian, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Independent, Daily Mirror, The Sun, Daily Express, Metro, Channel 4 News, The Huffington Post UK, Irish Independent, Evening Standard, The Irish Times und Manchester Evening News (MEN), Sky News

United States

CNN, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, Fox News, USA TODAY, Reuters, POLITICO, Yahoo News, NPR News, Los Angeles Times, Breitbart News, New York Post, NBC News, CBS News und ABC News

No third party Updater Shortcut required.

Shorty News has an integrated update mechanism called Embed-a-Update. Thanks to the embedded updater, Shorty News does not require any external updater shortcut. The shortcut checks for updates itself, so you'll always be up to date and never miss an update.


Special thanks to @ROP ...

who developed the beautiful updater template, inspired, helped me and much more. I appreciate it.

... and all these contributors

• All news sources, that are in Shorty News available
• Microsoft Translation
• Icons by Font Awesome Icons
• Beta participants, who are patiently to test failed versions in the development

Updates & more...

As we are in the early stages, a lot of news sources, countries and functions will follow. The updates will follow regularly so that you as the user get the best experience. So keep up to date.

If you would like to support me, simply write your ideas, wishes (like news sources), problems and bugs or constructive feedback in the comments. Please don't forget to leave a heart, when you like it.

All graphics on this page were made with MediaKit

This shortcut is only here at available. If you find it somewhere else, it is a fake. Let me know in the comments if you find it somewhere else. Thanks.

Latest Release Notes

2.1.1 - May 14, 2020, 9:33 a.m.

What's new in Shorty News v.2.1.1?

Shorty News 2.1.1 focuses on fixing bugs and issues.
It is highly recommended to update Shorty News, if you are from Canada (English & Francais), the UK and the US. A new setup is required for all.

[Bug Fixes]
• (Solved) News sources do not appear in these regions: Canada (English), Canada (Francais), United Kingdom and the United States
• (Solved) Image bug in CBC News
• (Solved) Image bug in some Configuration messages

Past versions