
Your all-in-one start-of-drive assistant


Meet Cari!

(Pronounced "kar-ee")

This is your all-in-one start-of-drive assistant.

Cari will provide you with a hands-free experience from setup until end of run to give you the following benefits:

  • Kind and warm briefing based on time of day

  • Cari will ask you if you are going somewhere, and based on your response perform the following:

    • If yes, she will check if you have any upcoming events, if so, she provides location and travel time info before asking if you would like to go there.

      • If you say no to going to the location from the calendar event, she will ask you where you'd like to go as if you didn't have an event at all
    • If no, she will continue to the next step

    • If you say "Reset Settings" the Cari settings will be erased and the shortcut will restart

    • If you say "Exit" Cari will exit and not proceed forward

    • Update: now you can also speak a destination at this point instead of having to go through the process of saying "yes" first then answering the following question

  • A quick briefing of your remaining events and reminders for the day

  • Cari will ask if you want to note anything down about your day, which she will log to the Notes app for you if you choose. After logging one note for the day, she won't ask again until the next day

  • Cari will ask if she can play any music for you. If you say yes, she will ask you what you want to hear (via Apple Music) and she can also resume whatever you were listening to previously by saying "Resume" (this also works for podcasts). Based on your response she will start playing the music found (playlists are also included, just say something like, "Play my Rock playlist" or "Rock Playlist" or even "Play my playlist Rock Music")

  • Cari will then start the navigation to the location specified from the beginning of the interaction (if you said yes of course)

  • Lastly, she will provide you with a brief weather report for your current location

Note: to avoid hearing weather, reminders, and calendar events each time you get in your car in a short time period, each of these items has a "cool down" time

  • Calendar Events - 1 hour
  • Reminders - 2 hours
  • Weather - 1.5 hours

Update checks are also limited to once every 24 hours to reduce loading time

The ideal method for activation of Cari, is using the "When CarPlay Connects" automation type (phone must not be locked when triggered). Usage of the "NFC" automation type is also a great way to invoke Cari.

Made by mvan231

Graphics created with MediaKit

Credit goes out to:

  • ROP For MediaKit Badges, Banners, and MediaKit for the images used in this page
  • PaRkThEcAr For ideas and feedback during development
    • Inspiration for Cari stemmed from his shortcut, Let's Go

Latest Release Notes

1.1 - July 15, 2020, 7:21 p.m.

Version 1.1 Release Notes
- adjust for iOS mechanisms
- modified search mechanism for the "Are we going somewhere?" item, so a destination can be spoken directly. The existing Yes/No also still works
- Modified the output of the contact search so the user I told more than just "I found a contact with that name"
- Location / Local Business search now prompts the user that there are more than one search result and they need to choose one

- Total Actions: #432
- Created on iOS 13.5.1
- Released at 2020-07-15

Past versions