Import from Reminders

Checks for date of last import, then imports new reminders into Actions.


This Shortcut does the following:

  1. Uses the Create Actions Lists from Reminders Shortcut to make sure all of the lists from Reminders exist in Actions.
  2. Checks a log file for the date of the last import - if the log file does not exist yet then it will import all available reminders.
  3. Retrieves all reminders created after the date of the last import (or 1/1/2000 if no date available).
  4. Iterates through that list of reminders and creates JSON for importing into Actions.
  5. Uses Actions' Create Action from Clipboard Siri Shortcut to create Actions from that JSON.

Before installing this Shortcut, please install the following:
1. The app itself: Actions by Moleskine
2. Shortcut: Create Actions List
3. Shortcut: Create Actions Lists from Reminders

I hope that you find this useful. Please let us know how you get on!

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Nov. 1, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

First version of this Shortcut.

Past versions