Ultimate Power Mode ™

Mastery over your Battery


Ultimate Power Mode

Protect Your Battery


iOS 12 Black


There are 7 options When you Activate it

  1. On - turns everything on (the WIFI, Bluetooth, etc)

  2. Off - turns everything off except for cellular data and lowers brightness.

  3. Intelligent Power Mode - If the battery percentage is under 60% it activates and does everything Of does, but if under 9% it turns off cellular data as well.

  4. Charging Mode - Enables your phone to charge faster with Visual assistance. Now you no longer need an additional Shortcut, its built in!

  5. Desperate - If you just want to keep your phone alive and don't need to use it for now. Turns on Airplane Mode, DND, and if iPhone, Low Power Mode, and more

  6. Specific System Operations - Give you options to activate or deactivate

    • WiFi

    • Bluetooth

    • Airplane mode

    • Low Power Mode

    • Cellular

  7. Settings

    1. About - Gives you information about the Shortcut

    2. Leave Feedback - Sends your feedback to AShortcuts through the shortcut Feedback

    3. Check for Updates - Uses the Update Checker of your choice....
      Update Checker
      Built-in Update Checker

Beta (Unpublished)

  • Language Support (English, Spanish, and Russian)


Last but not Least Credits to the Creators of...
Battery Manager, Keep me Alive, Intelligent Power Mode, Charge Fast, UpdateKit 2.0 Script (for the idea of the dictionary), MediaKit, and etc...

Author AShortcut

Latest Release Notes

14.5.1 - May 12, 2020, 4:26 a.m.

Version 14.5.1 Release Notes
- Minor big fix when reporting a bug in the feedback menu

- Total Actions: #263
- Created on iOS 13.5
- Released at 2020-05-12

Past versions